How To Show The Commitment With Promise Ring?

Promise Ring for Girlfriend

You know that you are ready and want to pledge your love for your girlfriend in the most personalized way. However, you are feeling shy to express your love…

The Pre-engagement Vow: All the Hullabaloo about Promise Rings

You’ve heard it all before, but you still don’t quite know what exactly a “promise ring” means or what it stands for. And the questions keep flowing.

Who came up with this concept anyway?
What finger are you…

Create a Signature Look with Men’s Tungsten Rings

In present times there is an entire genre of fashionable men that are termed as metrosexuals, and are widespread. These men are amazing because they create excellent looks and an aspect of maleness. These are people…

Reignite Passion in your Love Life with Diamond Promise Rings

Diamond Promise rings have been there for a number of hundreds of years, since the Sixteenth century. Sometimes they are also known as friendship jewelry, based on who it comes from. Since the Sixteenth century however,…

Give Your Love a New Beginning with Diamond Engagement Rings

Doing an engagement with your beloved is taking one step ahead in a relationship, leading towards marriage. But curiously no one knows exactly when the idea of engagement rings actually began and what made men gift…